Tuesday 18 October 2011

CWU/Royal Mail talks update.

Dear Colleague

National Talks – Update
  Under the terms of the recent Joint Statement the Royal Mail Group and the Union committed to a series of national talks covering the following:-
- Issues arising from the Postal Services Act.

- Issues affecting employees in the Royal Mail Group (pensions and ColleagueShare).

- Issues associated with Business Transformation.

Since the publication of the Joint Statement, although there have been a number of meetings it has been difficult to build momentum. Initially, this was due to the summer leave period and subsequently, because the complexity and wide ranging nature of the talks has required a lot of positioning from both parties. However, in the last couple of weeks talks have intensified and there is a two day meeting planned for the 19th and 20th October, which will focus on the Business Transformation element of our talks.

Last week there was a tripartite meeting with Royal Mail and the Government, which concentrated on the pension changes proposed under the Postal Services Act. There was also a separate meeting with Royal Mail which covered current Business Performance, EU State Aid, Colleagueshare, POL separation and employee ownership.

On Colleagueshare, the company reaffirmed it is unlikely the scheme will ever return to a positive valuation. In response to the Union’s claim for alternative remuneration the company stated that they are prepared to look at new incentive arrangements and they committed to putting their ideas forward over the next few weeks. However, the Union left the company in no doubt that unless they are willing to put money on the table as a replacement for what was due from Colleagueshare, then this would inevitably damage the prospects of concluding Business Transformation.

In preparation for the meeting on the 19th and 20th October, we have been exchanging views with the company on where we currently are with deployment of the BT Agreement. These recent exchanges have confirmed that both parties have real concern that we appear to be running into major difficulties.

From our perspective, the Union has told Royal Mail that we see growing evidence of management reverting to old behaviours, that border on bullying (e.g. unagreed absorption), in pursuit of unrealistic local budget savings. In particular, we have seen evidence that in some delivery areas these local budget savings are being pursued as an alternative to the agreed approach in Business Transformation. This is resulting in frontline employees being placed under unacceptable pressure on a daily basis.

For their part, the company are saying that they are disappointed with the overall progress in delivery and that they have not been achieving their anticipated savings or the level of targeted revisions. The company also claim that the focus at local level for savings is part of ‘a business as usual’ approach and is being driven by their financial position. However, the Union’s view is that in many cases these managerial activities are outside of the terms of our agreement. They appear to be running in tandem with other Royal Mail unilateral delivery initiatives that have been the subject of communications from Bob Gibson the Outdoor Assistant Secretary.

At the meeting on the 19th and 20th October, the Union will be explaining that we cannot accept a so called ‘business as usual approach’ that is in reality placing unfair pressure on our members and is outside the terms of the agreement. We will be making it clear to Royal Mail that they must decide whether or not they remain committed to the national agreement and if so, whether they want to work with the Union, at all levels, to resolve some of our current difficulties.

A further update on the outcome of the two day meeting will be provided in due course.

In the meantime, we would ask all Branches to ensure that the content of this LTB is conveyed to all local representatives and our members in the workplace.

Any enquiries on the general content of this LTB should be directed to the DGS (P) Department, enquiries on specific functional activity should be directed to the relevant Assistant Secretaries.

Yours sincerely

Dave Ward Ray Ellis
Deputy General Secretary (P) Assistant Secretary

Bob Gibson Joe Malone
Assistant Secretary Acting Assistant Secretary

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