Monday, 10 February 2014

Agenda for Growth. Interim Arrangements

Letter to Branches
No:  089/14
 10th February 2014

To:  All Branches with Postal Members

 Dear Colleague


In recognition of the need for transitional arrangements before we can deploy the Agenda for Growth Agreement, in particular the new IR Procedures, the attached Joint Statement has been agreed between the National Parties.
The purpose of the Joint Statement is to set out the interim arrangements that will apply as the first step towards deployment.  This is designed to resolve, as far as possible, all existing disagreements and disputes, thus creating the right environment to launch the new deal.  These interim arrangements focus on a one off dispute resolution process to an agreed five week timescale which will commence on Monday 17th February.
Please ensure that all CWU Representatives are aware of this Joint Statement and the interim arrangements and that where appropriate they fully participate in the process.  The Joint Statement does not alter CWU policy on World Class Mail and the Union will deal with this issue through the Joint Review of Employee Engagement Initiatives.
Now the interim arrangements are in place the National Parties are developing initial awareness training on the new IR Procedures and this will be cascaded to all managers and CWU Representatives as the next priority.
Further communications will follow on the awareness training, the approach to future efficiency, mediation and how the National Parties will take forward the overall ongoing programme of work.
Any enquiries on the content of this LTB should be addressed to the DGS (P) Department.
Yours sincerely

Dave Ward                                                             
Deputy General Secretary (P)   

Royal Mail/CWU National Joint Statement
Agenda for Growth, Stability & Long Term Success
Interim Arrangements

Royal Mail Group and CWU recognise the need to put in place transitional arrangements ahead of the launch and ongoing deployment of the Agenda for Growth Agreement.  The purpose of these interim arrangements is to create the right environment for the new agreement to be launched in an effective manner. 

To facilitate this both parties will focus on resolving all current Industrial Relations Framework disagreements, outstanding Business Transformation Revision issues and any other disputes, by immediately utilising the following process over the next few weeks.

·         Week commencing Monday 17th February to Monday 3rd March – In this time period functional Directors (Delivery and Processing) and CWU Divisional Representatives will meet and seek to resolve all disagreements that are at or have exhausted Stage 3 of the IR Framework.  According to current information there are 62 disputes in this category.  At the same time the functional Directors and CWU Divisional Reps will review where we have got to with other disagreements still in the IR Framework either at Stage 2 or Stage 1, with a view to re-energising the talks and encouraging the relevant parties to reach quick agreement.

Any issues that remain unresolved by Monday 3rd March will be jointly referred to the Royal Mail National Directors/Geography Operations Directors and the relevant CWU National Assistant Secretary for immediate resolution.

·         Week commencing Monday 3rd March to Monday 17th March -  Any unresolved issues from the first stage of this process will be dealt with by the relevant Royal Mail National Directors/Geography Operations Directors and the relevant CWU National Assistant Secretary for resolution.

If any of the issues still remain unresolved at this level by Monday 17th March, they should be referred to the Chief Operating Officer and the Deputy General Secretary (Postal) for immediate resolution.

·         Monday 17th March to Monday 24th March – The Royal Mail Chief Operating Officer and the Deputy General Secretary (Postal) will meet to resolve any outstanding issues and conclude the process.

·         In order for this process to be successful the national parties and all participants are committed to a pragmatic and mutual interest approach to resolving all existing issues in line with the spirit and intent of the new agreement.  During this period neither party will take unilateral action and the CWU confirms that it has lifted its policy of non cooperation.
·         All Royal Mail managers and CWU representatives responsible for carrying out this process will immediately prioritise meetings to undertake their role and fully participate and cooperate with the terms of this National Joint Statement.   
Mike Newby                                                   Dave Ward

Director ER/IR                                               Deputy General Secretary (Postal)

Royal Mail Group                                          CWU